Management and Final Accounts
Soletraders, Partnerships & Limited Companies
Start - Ups
Self Assessment tax returns
Company Taxation
VAT & Payroll Management
Budgets & Cashflows

LHM accountants is an accountancy practice based in Oxted, Surrey. We have been establised for over 30 years, providing financial and accounting services to a wide variety of clients across the UK and further afield.
We are an extremely versatile practise offering a friendly, yet professional and consistently reliable service with a client base ranging from small sole traders and personal taxation clientele right through to large limited companies, LLP's and partnerships.
Get in touch with us today for a no fee initial consultation and see how we can help you...
Contact us by phone, email or fill out the form here...
a: 20 Westlands Way, Oxted, Surrey, RH8 0ND
t: 01883 714711